Well Just thought I would let you all know I am still alive.. LOL I know for those of yo who were wondering well first off we went to Slc this weekend to see the Christmas lights at temple square they were so pretty has usual and it is such a mad house down there.. I will post pics later. We were able to have a party at his cousins house and it was lots of fun. lets do a little run down the kids get out of school next week for Christmas break I can not believe Christmas is around the corner and I am just not feeling it to much this year its bad I guess I better get out of the bah humbug stage and move on right? I for the most part am almost done with shopping I have a few min last items I need to get but other then that I am done. This year I have really tried more on focusing on the true meaning of It the Birth of our savior and service. Which reminds me I love were I live.. I have some amazing Friends how truly are amazing who have called and checked up on me this week and I even had a couple of them show up Thursday to clean my house up after this crazy week with surgery I have had Thank you some much Laura, Berny and Jessica for loving me and caring so much. I appreciate you guys so much also my awesome neighbours the Nay's who help me threw tons of moments. It is always so nice to know who to count on. Well you all know I had surgery the beginning of this month on the 5th and had an allergic reaction I am on some steroids and antibiotic to help clear that all up and it looks tons better. Just looks like a sunburn now and peeling its still gross looking but it looks tons better and I actually feel tons better. My pain is gone. Exexpt for a few in scion tenderness which is probably from the infection, So any way I did go back and see the sturgeon Friday and they actually found a tumour on my appendix. They are thinking not cancerous but I do have to go see the cancer Dr to make sure. I am a little stressed over it but don't want to stress to much about it tell they figure out more one I had the pain for 2 months so they want to make sure none of it spread, So I am just waiting for them to call and set an apt. SO any way I am not going to stress to much over it.
So enough about all that Eve is doing great we had a parent visit on Monday and it went great we went to counseling last TH and it was good she has suffered some trauma and goes back today. She seems to be adjusting still well and is ready for Christmas with us and hopefully she has a great day and lots of fun. She is a bubbly happy little girl and no melt downs for a few days she did go to Slc with us and seemed to enjoy it. Carley is doing great and loving school we did ginger bread houses with her class last week and it was lots of fun , Camron is well Camron he is a wild one for sure then Emika is well Emika cute and sassy all in one. Well I will update with pics later and all that I have got to get a few things done before I leave here. To take Eve to therapy again today then to Richfield to get some stuff done.. Have a happy Monday
Monday, December 15, 2014
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Quick update
Well I am still recovering I think I am getting better 1. I had this happen after I had Emika so and we thought it was the glue well needless to say It is not the glue I am allergic to stray stripes used during surgery. So It started Sat with the same blistering and redness and hives very itchy.. So went to Dr Yesterday and he said it was an allergic reaction and gave me a shot of steroids and an antibiotic needless to say It is looking better it is still disgusting but some time the pain is worse then the actual surgery. With blisters popping and such it makes it hard to look at. The thing is I still have to be a mom in it all to and so that leads me to I did end up taking Eve to Beaver yesterday for a visit my dad went with to help manage kids and drive.. Thank you dad. Some are probably asking is she crazy. One I had to put myself were Eve is she really did need to know mom and dad were OK and they did have a 2 hr visit and the Case worker said she talked a lot about us and how we have been taking care of her and it did make me feel better that her parents both did say Thank you and are very appreciative so made me know I am doing the right thing. Jesse did have to go back to work yesterday. I am so thankful for him and all his help and listing to me cry when he knows my pain tolerance is so high and how this infection has took a toll on me He is an amazing husband and daddy !! I am so thankful for all my neighbors and family that has brought meals or have just called or texed to make sure I am doing okay. I still have to do mother things and Its okay cause I live for these kids .. I am so thankful for my ward family and Friends.. so needless to say I am healing and hope I am on the mends cause we are headed to Salt lake for the weekend to see the lights. So hopefully this all heals soon. Thank you every one for your prayers !!!
Friday, December 5, 2014
What a day
so sorry this will be short. One I am posting from my iPad has I lay on the couch . So reamber yesterday I said ct scan and I hope we figure out something. We'll we figured out something I had to have my appendix taken out this morning at 6 so went in last night for fluids and antibiotic. Jesse has been amazing . His mom took the kids last night thank you for family so close to help. The reason I had to go in so soon. Is my high pain tolerance the dr think 's some of it may have already ruptured so needed it out ASAP. I am so thankful for were I live and family and friends who are more like my family also and this ward I live in is amazing thanks for all your kind words and prayers .
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Life update and our craziness
So I honestly have been trying to update this all week but this week is just crazy. We have had something everyday this week after school with at least one of the kids. So Thanksgiving was great the best was my hubby was off for like 5 days and we went tree hunting all the kids had a blast got the tree up and it looks like Christmas at our house the day after Thanksgiving we welcomed Jingles (our elf) back with a hot coco party and he is pretty mellow so far this year .. (lets keep our fingers crossed) Has we head into Dec I am honestly struggling. I want my kids to be joyous and have Fun but I also want them to re amber the true meaning of Christmas the birth of our savior. SO we are working on that. I can not believe how fast time goes by. Kids are all doing great!! We had dance performance this week at ball game girls did so good. Christmas school program last night they all did a great job it was fun to listen to them. I am so thankful for my husband and all his help last night he is an amazing daddy !!!
The kids have two weeks out of school so I am trying to find fun things for us to do being cooped up in the house with them I am sure we will have a great time tomorrow we have the coal mine party and our first visit with Santa!! So Eve is doing great we have had a few melt downs this week and very emotional Monday she went to the Dr and she is in good health. She was able to talk to mom and dad and cry ed. We get to go see Mom and dad Monday all though she told me yesterday she was scared to. So yeah today we have team meeting which I am glad I can just call into for a Min being that I finally broke down and made another Dr apt have to go in for a Ct Scan today and I am scared to death.. One I have to drink this crap and I know it is just going to taste nasty 2. I don't even like being in elevators how am I going I going to handle a machine in there by myself. Honestly I just hope I can do it so I can get down to the bottom of this pain. But then I am scared to death of what they might find and have to do. My mom has similar symptoms and hers was Velcros veins around her uterus. So she had to had a hysteratimyiye so it could be a possible thing. I am worried about dum stuff that I know could happen One ovarian cancer I am like freaking out on this one so needless to say I just try and not to think about it but what do ya do when you are in pain and wonder what is causing it. SO hopefully we can just get to the bottom of it. So we are all doing great just busy I will post pics later of tree hunting and Jingles but has for now. We have refinanced our house and I have a guy coming to take pics of the house within the Hour.. Have a great day
The kids have two weeks out of school so I am trying to find fun things for us to do being cooped up in the house with them I am sure we will have a great time tomorrow we have the coal mine party and our first visit with Santa!! So Eve is doing great we have had a few melt downs this week and very emotional Monday she went to the Dr and she is in good health. She was able to talk to mom and dad and cry ed. We get to go see Mom and dad Monday all though she told me yesterday she was scared to. So yeah today we have team meeting which I am glad I can just call into for a Min being that I finally broke down and made another Dr apt have to go in for a Ct Scan today and I am scared to death.. One I have to drink this crap and I know it is just going to taste nasty 2. I don't even like being in elevators how am I going I going to handle a machine in there by myself. Honestly I just hope I can do it so I can get down to the bottom of this pain. But then I am scared to death of what they might find and have to do. My mom has similar symptoms and hers was Velcros veins around her uterus. So she had to had a hysteratimyiye so it could be a possible thing. I am worried about dum stuff that I know could happen One ovarian cancer I am like freaking out on this one so needless to say I just try and not to think about it but what do ya do when you are in pain and wonder what is causing it. SO hopefully we can just get to the bottom of it. So we are all doing great just busy I will post pics later of tree hunting and Jingles but has for now. We have refinanced our house and I have a guy coming to take pics of the house within the Hour.. Have a great day
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Day 26 and 27
Well the 26th day I am thankful for technology these days and how it makes life a little more sleeping not to mention i got up at 2 am this morning and got all my black Friday shopping almost done just lacking like 10 things YIPPEE !!! and has today approaches Thanksgiving day I am so thankful for food and that we have enough to meet our needs. I am so very blessed to have a wonderful husband who loves me and stands beside me every day even at my not so great moments. Hope you all have a wonderful turkey day and . Take the time to enjoy your family. I know I will enjoy mine and especially my husband and my kids today.. Its great the past week being a mommy to not only my 3 kids but to Eve. We truly are blessed !!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Case worker visit
So the case worker came today and first she had texed me wanting to know if we can take Eve Friday to have a visit with mom and dad. yes mom and dad our out of Jail now. So I tell her let me call Jesse and see he says that is fine. So I am like oh good she will be able to see them and have Peace of mine that they are okay. So case worker gets here brings more paper stuff and different things plus the court report. She sits and visits with Eve and has her would you like to call your mom and Eve says NO . So I go in and talk to her and caseworker and she says I offered to call mom and dad and she doesn't want to. SO i was like OK. So I said to the case worker she did break down last night and said she missed them and all that. So she ended up calling them and cried when she talked to them and then they inform the case worker that they are headed to Washington to see if they can have this case transferred. I would think at least they would stick around for a visit. Oh well again there loss and my gain. I know that may seem bad. I just know I would want to see my kids and not head off to Washington especially after you requested a visit for Friday. Why she is out of school. So any way that is how that went I will still have her for at least 3 to 4 months tell they can figure out all that .. The Joys of it all has began!! Again I am very thankful to be able to take her in to my home a lot of people don't get why I do what I do but to me this is a service to my Heavenly Father and I know this is what I am here for. All in all are we not all children of god and is that not what he wants is for us to take in his children. That is the way I look at it and I will continue to do this for awhile. I do want to adopt one day and maybe not just one but 2 . Seriously if every child was like Eve I would take them all in. not only am I helping them but they are making me become the person I am and the person I want to be..
November 25th thankful
Well today I would really have to say I am thankful for my visting teachers.. So today I get home let me tell you I have had a very emotional day and it has sucked. Not to mention I am still not feeling to hot maybe that is part of this emotional rollor coaster I am. So we have a visit with the case worker and I head to town for tumbling so I get a phone call and It is my visting teacher Sara so she says are you going to be home later I said I am not so I get home and there is a candy bar and this
So I know you can not see what this says but there was a few quotes that stood out to me one says Has we exmine the path Jesus walked, We will see that it took him through many of the same challanges , we ourselves face in life . President Monson also Perhaps you will forget tomorrow the kind words you say today, but tge recipient will remember them for a life time . Presidet Monson
and anothe on is God cares about you he will listen and he will answer your personal questions pres Uchtdorf and one more for good mesaure Our Father knows us and hears the pleading of our hearts. He accomplishes His miracles one prayer at a time. Today I really just neede to know that Heavenly Father loves me and is aware of me and my feelings.
Monday, November 24, 2014
Finally a melt down
So we have had Eve in are house now for a week today and today she finally just broke down and cried She has not cried since she has been here. So we have a rule at our house if bedtime is eight for the little ones and and 830 just for Carley so being that she is 7 she falls under the little category which is 8. But if you are not a bed by at least 9 you have to go to bed at 730 the next night. So I told Emika and eve today that they did not go to bed on time last night and they needed to go to bed at 730 so I look over in the front room and little Eve is just a crying. I say Honey what is wrong and she just starts saying I don't want to go to bed and following with our rule I said well I am sorry but that is a rule n our house and maybe tonight you will go to bed on time. That way you can stay up tell 8 then she gets the blaming in and says well Emika was talking or Carely woke me up . (typical siblings fitting in ) So I am like its okay. So it drops for a little while that is. They were down stairs cleaning up and she was down there crying again so I know now it is more then just going to bed early. So I ask again what is wrong. Same thing so I tell her its okay and it will be okay to go to bed early and she will be just fine just that rules are rules. So dinner comes along home work done (she is a good worker by the way ) So then its time to bath her and I go in the bathroom and she is just a sobbing I say what is a matter now > I don't want her holing in what is really bothering her I know it is more then just going to bed early so I noticed that she might of wet the bed and I said well I need to go in and change your sheets and she brakes down more. I said honey I am not mad at you or upset with you. So I said I can tell you are having a bad day can you tell me what is wrong she finally says I miss my mom and my heart breaks for her . I am trying to keep my emotions in control at this point cause I need her so bad just to let this all out that she probably has been holding in for a week now. and then she starts telling me every one she misses and we talked why she bathed and then I went and made her bed thought we got it all out. So she gets out of the tub and again just starts crying I miss my mom. I know she does there is nothing I can do about it my heart is breaking for her and I am feeling attached now cause she is opening up to me and knows I am going to comfort her and tell her. So I tell her it is okay to miss mom and daddy and all these people you will be able to see them soon. See mom is sitting in Jail and has no contact makes me wonder if she cares. I am so upset and I get to but a crying little girl to bed and with lots of hugs tonight and just tell her that I love her and am here for her and I know its hard to miss parents and just comfort her . I am happy we have her. I know that sounds crazy but this is the reason I am doing this is to give her a safe place tell they get there feet on the ground (not what I really wanted to say) I am trying to be posive about bio-parents but you know. For my foster families that read this blog I am sure you know where I am coming from. I know tonight I just hope I said t he right words to her and that she knows I am here for her. I really do not want her to hold her feelings back and if she needs to cry I want her to let it out and not hold those in it can not be healthy for a 7 year old at all. I know its not healthy for us. So tonight has I say my prayers they will be deep in this thought / maybe some one should pray for me too .. All in all I so far love fostering this little girl she is cute and fun and is very hurt tonight has it comes from her situation. This is the reason I foster to give these kids a safe home and to be a mom to them. It makes me mad and upset more especially this time of year when they should have there own mom and dad for the holidays then I kind of look at has more there loss and my gain .. I know that may sound bad but what more can you say . Well I am off to check on children and off to bed myself or to pintrest ...
Day 21 , 22 , 23 ,24 plus updates
Today I am thankful for FORGIVENESS. We all have days where someone says something to us that makes us upset and not wanting to deal with things. We have those days where someone does something to us or says something to us that hurts our feelings. We have deeper things that we need to forgive people for and those can be the hardest for us. Not only that but Jesus taught we must also forgive ourselves cause who is our biggest judge we are . We tend to be a little more harder on ourselves. Is forgiveness an easy thing absolutely NOT. Forgiving someone especially if they have done you so wrong is the hardest and also the past 3 years I have really had to forgive myself for my bad choices. Is that easy no it is not. So I am thankful for my heavenly father who I know who has forgiven me and so thankful for forgiveness.
Well I did start this post on the 21st so I guess I Will up date the rest day 22 I am thankful for the atonement in my life and how we are taught to become one and that it is not all about repentance that the atonement falls into many kinds of things.
day 23 I am thankful for clothes. I know has crazy has this sounds just with Eve coming in with nothing we take the little things for granted so much. I love that I have warm clothes and shoes to wear when its cold. I have clothes issues I love clothes and am thankful for them to wear.
Day 24 I am thankful for prayers and have a very strong testimony of prayer. Prayer we can do it any time we want when we want and tell Heavenly father how much we appreciate all he has done for us. We can pray when we need guidance, help, special blessings, etc. We should really when we pray have an attitude of gratitude to our heavenly father and reamber to thank him for the simple things in life.
Well since its quiet at my house for a minute just want to give little up dates on our family. Eve is doing great she is still doing very good. I get asked a lot well how are you adjusting or the kids. Well me I am doing good I do get a little over whelmed at times its hard making sure 4 kids are ready for school coats backpacks etc. I am manging though and seem to have a pretty good morning and night routine down its nice having an extra bathroom up stairs that way 2 kids are getting bathes or showers at the same time. It works good. Needless to say I am doing okay. Am I stressing yes with the holiday coming and that Yes do I have things figured out. I hope so. We decided to go pretty light on Christmas with all our kids. Which I find is a good thing. And I know we will manage threw it. I Love this time of year and am thankful for what we so have. So you may ask how is Jesse handling 4 kids he is amazing and doing so good. when he is home with the kids we just treat her like one of our own and he does great. Hes an amazing daddy and husband. How are my kids doing with the adjustment? They are doing good sometimes with Carley I can see a little bit of jealousy running. But she has been so great to just take her under her wing and has a had a big impact on myself and others around us. Its been an adjustment in there room and had to do some organising and what not but she has been great. Camron and Emika just know to give her love and appreciate her why she is here. I would have to say with all of this we have grown has a family has taught us that we should appreciate the smaller things in life our kids know that we are serving Eve tell her family can get better I am so proud of my little family for excepting her and doing what they need to do!!! Well this week is Thanksgiving and I am super exited and my hubby only has to work 2 days this week and then kids get out early Wen and I am sure we will have a social worker visit this week and see how all that goes. I love this time of year and we do have so many things to be thankful for !!!! Hope you all have a wonderful day! Thanks for reading. Foster parents that read how do you handle stress during the holidays with a placement in your homes??
Well I did start this post on the 21st so I guess I Will up date the rest day 22 I am thankful for the atonement in my life and how we are taught to become one and that it is not all about repentance that the atonement falls into many kinds of things.
day 23 I am thankful for clothes. I know has crazy has this sounds just with Eve coming in with nothing we take the little things for granted so much. I love that I have warm clothes and shoes to wear when its cold. I have clothes issues I love clothes and am thankful for them to wear.
Day 24 I am thankful for prayers and have a very strong testimony of prayer. Prayer we can do it any time we want when we want and tell Heavenly father how much we appreciate all he has done for us. We can pray when we need guidance, help, special blessings, etc. We should really when we pray have an attitude of gratitude to our heavenly father and reamber to thank him for the simple things in life.
Well since its quiet at my house for a minute just want to give little up dates on our family. Eve is doing great she is still doing very good. I get asked a lot well how are you adjusting or the kids. Well me I am doing good I do get a little over whelmed at times its hard making sure 4 kids are ready for school coats backpacks etc. I am manging though and seem to have a pretty good morning and night routine down its nice having an extra bathroom up stairs that way 2 kids are getting bathes or showers at the same time. It works good. Needless to say I am doing okay. Am I stressing yes with the holiday coming and that Yes do I have things figured out. I hope so. We decided to go pretty light on Christmas with all our kids. Which I find is a good thing. And I know we will manage threw it. I Love this time of year and am thankful for what we so have. So you may ask how is Jesse handling 4 kids he is amazing and doing so good. when he is home with the kids we just treat her like one of our own and he does great. Hes an amazing daddy and husband. How are my kids doing with the adjustment? They are doing good sometimes with Carley I can see a little bit of jealousy running. But she has been so great to just take her under her wing and has a had a big impact on myself and others around us. Its been an adjustment in there room and had to do some organising and what not but she has been great. Camron and Emika just know to give her love and appreciate her why she is here. I would have to say with all of this we have grown has a family has taught us that we should appreciate the smaller things in life our kids know that we are serving Eve tell her family can get better I am so proud of my little family for excepting her and doing what they need to do!!! Well this week is Thanksgiving and I am super exited and my hubby only has to work 2 days this week and then kids get out early Wen and I am sure we will have a social worker visit this week and see how all that goes. I love this time of year and we do have so many things to be thankful for !!!! Hope you all have a wonderful day! Thanks for reading. Foster parents that read how do you handle stress during the holidays with a placement in your homes??
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Day 20 and a little more on Eve
Well day 20 I would have to say I am so thankful for a dishwasher. I love my dishwasher it makes my life a little more convenient. When we lived in Salina way back when. at first we did not have a dishwasher and for those who don't know me I hate the dishes I would rater clean 1,000 toilets instead of do the dishes. So I hated that we did not have a dishwasher and it was only me and Jesse at the time. So one day we got a portal dishwasher that thing was nice cause I had a super small kitchen and it would fit perfectly in the corner when not in use. So and it moved with us to the single wide trailer here in axtell. So then when we built it was nice to actually have and better dishwasher. So the love and thankful ness of a dishwasher!!!
Well a little more on Eve well her case worker and Guardian at liniment came last night and the mom had court yesterday still not quit sure what they are doing with her cause she is out of state so they have to do all this stuff within our state and see also if any other things has happened in her state. I know totally confusing right ?? So the grandmother also from another state has expressed interest in taking her so the only thing with that is. Is she is also from out of state and has to go threw the same process we did background check, home study etc. So how long will we have Eve well so far its looking like at about 3 months or more but 3 months is at the least. Which is fine that was one of my concerns when we started fostering was. Where would I want my kids to be if they were in foster care around the holiday's ? I would want them in a loving home and taking care of ans celebrating the magic of this glorious time of year any way. Eve had a great day at school yesterday and came home got her homework done and it was all great. Then her case worker came and we talked to her and the guardian at liniment and he was great. He was going to come back and ask her some more questions about grandma. I told them both yesterday that she has not asked about mom or dad. Come to find out on that is it was her step dad and her real dad is in Mexico and its like the her lawyer said do you know how many people in Mexico have that last name. She carries her mothers last name not bio-dad so not sure how they well ever find him. So needless to say we are loving having her here she has been great so far we will keep our fingers crossed. So we will see what happens. If any one has any questions comments advice please don't hesitate to ask. We are loving this Journey so far and feel it is a service act. and feel we were meant to do this. I have to tell you I have got an awesome case worker she is great answers all out questions has crazy has they are sometimes she has been great!! I think this helps a lot is having a case worker that is there for you .. Well I guess I better get to go work out today .. have a great day !! Thanks for reading
Well a little more on Eve well her case worker and Guardian at liniment came last night and the mom had court yesterday still not quit sure what they are doing with her cause she is out of state so they have to do all this stuff within our state and see also if any other things has happened in her state. I know totally confusing right ?? So the grandmother also from another state has expressed interest in taking her so the only thing with that is. Is she is also from out of state and has to go threw the same process we did background check, home study etc. So how long will we have Eve well so far its looking like at about 3 months or more but 3 months is at the least. Which is fine that was one of my concerns when we started fostering was. Where would I want my kids to be if they were in foster care around the holiday's ? I would want them in a loving home and taking care of ans celebrating the magic of this glorious time of year any way. Eve had a great day at school yesterday and came home got her homework done and it was all great. Then her case worker came and we talked to her and the guardian at liniment and he was great. He was going to come back and ask her some more questions about grandma. I told them both yesterday that she has not asked about mom or dad. Come to find out on that is it was her step dad and her real dad is in Mexico and its like the her lawyer said do you know how many people in Mexico have that last name. She carries her mothers last name not bio-dad so not sure how they well ever find him. So needless to say we are loving having her here she has been great so far we will keep our fingers crossed. So we will see what happens. If any one has any questions comments advice please don't hesitate to ask. We are loving this Journey so far and feel it is a service act. and feel we were meant to do this. I have to tell you I have got an awesome case worker she is great answers all out questions has crazy has they are sometimes she has been great!! I think this helps a lot is having a case worker that is there for you .. Well I guess I better get to go work out today .. have a great day !! Thanks for reading
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Days 18 and 19 thankful
Well yesterday I would say I am thankful for this gospel in my life we were able to have the Judy's come which he is our Dr and is wife come to a meeting last night and how it just touched my my heart on how to be a disciple of Christ it was a beautiful thing. I will go in to it a little more later. So any ways day 19 today I am so thankful for the people that have come forward the past couple of days and have been so accepting to a new placement in our home and has gone the extra mile to say Hi it to her. Let me tell you a little bit about her we are going to call her Eve (not her real name for privacy and that) she is a 7 year old little gal. very cute personality , she has been very good so far we will call this the honey moon stage. She is from out of state we have no idea how long we will really have her. She has not asked about or cryed for mom or dad. She came with few clothes (not very descent clothes for our weather ) very smelly. She came Monday night got here and automatically just went about her business and played with the kids. Went to family dollar to get her some underwear and PJ's for the night then we left it up to her if she wanted to go to school she said she did so she started today . We went yesterday and got her some new clothes and shoes. I personally have not had that much of an attachment so far. She is cute and I seem to be worrying about her today and hope she is doing okay. The caseworker will be back tonight to check on her and see how things are going hopefully we will know a little more. I am blessed to be able to have a family giving it a 110 % Carely has been amazing with her and I am so thankful for her help in all this. I am also thankful for Jesse he is so cute with her and asks her different little questions I sure am blessed !!!
Monday, November 17, 2014
Day 16 and 17
Well yesterday I would have to say I am thankful for Sundays. I love going to church every Sunday> I love teaching primary it is a lot of fun. I am kind of glad though that I only have to do it every other Sunday so. I love coming home and just relaxing with my kids and watching movies with them it is such a fun family day for us and being that there was snow on the ground yesterday. It was nice having my fire going and staying super warm. SO the love of Sundays . Well then today I would have to say I am thankful for being able to go and workout with one of my friends its a lot of fun and gets me out of the house. SO needless to say I am glad I am feeling okay to do it have to take it slow cause I have girl parts that are still hurting so needless to say day by day I seem to be getting a little better. I feel great right now cause the whole house got clean and are first placement is on her way and will be here in about and hour so keep us in your prayers. Don't know to much about her just that she is a freeway bust. Makes me so sad and mad at these parents huh I guess that is the reason I am fostering I am super exited and super nervous wish us Luck
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Day 14 and 15
Well Day 14 I am so thankful for Fridays that is one of the days Jesse has off and yesterday we just had a great day . We decided to head up to Salt lake to go to theNPS store well then Why we were driving up there we were listing to kbear oh yea... and guess who is coming in concert no other then the Nickel back so exited tickets go on sale today !!!! I really hope we should be able to still go. It just depends on a few things. so We get to the Nps store the industrial part and they are having 50% off everything in the whole store.. lets just say some Christmas shopping got done yesterday we found a couple things for the girls any way I am sure they will be so exited!!! Then went to the other part of the store and 40% of clothing so yep hit another couple of deals.. SO then by this time we are both starving so we head to Provo to our favorite restaurant Bajio .. I love this place!!! Then we go to the Di in orem found a couple great deals .. I am not going to lie but I love the DI you can find some amazing deals there. Thanks babe for a great day it is so good to spend one on one time.. Needless to say and Carely did an OK job tending kids thank you sis !!! Well then we are on to Sat and the 15th day at that Wow how fast time goes by. I love Saturdays .. so lets just say I am thankful for Saturdays .. This is the day we get our house all ready for Sunday and I Love it once my house is fully clean I mean fully cause this is the one day that my kids rooms are spic and span. My house is pretty clean usually expect for this week with every thing going on .. So I will be super thankful today for a Clean house. Well I better go get busy and get things done have a Great SATURDAY !!!!
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Suicide prevention
I know this is a little different of a post. I just feel it is an important subject and one very close to us has a family. Jesse and I both had 2 aunts all almost within of a year of each other commit suicide. One was a drug over dose and the other was a shooting. We have also had other family members attempt. Loved both of these aunts dearly and miss them every day.
So you are probably thinking why a post like this well Jesse came home let me remind you early this morning and says so we had a stand up meeting today and it was really good. So I said well what was it about and he says suicide my heart literal hurts every time I hear the word. So I said and he says it was really good and they had some interesting facts. So he brings home this booklet.
so this book is Question, persuade and refer. Ask a question safe a life. so its by Paul Quinnett PH.d. so QPR means Q= for question that and how to question the person about suicidal thoughts. in some one you recognise may be having these thoughts and asking the suicide question DOES NOT increase the risk. We should be upfront with these family and friends P= persuade and how we should persuade some one to get help we should listen to them I like what it says cause some of them may get angry with us . and may refuse the help so it says (WHEN CONFRONTING A FRIEND OR LOVED ONE WITH QPR REMEMBER THAT IT IS BETTER TO HAVE AN ANGRY FRIEND OR LOVED ONE THEN A DEAD ONE ) I feel sometimes these friends are just crying and for us to listen to them and get them the help. next one is R= Referral . They said that most cases are men that have then success of commiting suicide all though there is women also this blew me away the ages that they may think of suicide is 10 years old (a little scary I think )It says also we should treat QPR just has we do CPR meaning we can only do Cpr tell the health professions arrive same with Qpr that once they get the help you know they will be in better hands. Also we should be respectful and just let them know we are here for them. There is a video on the Mormon channel on prevention okay that will just have to be a seperate post. So I just want everyone to be aware of this and if you have any comments or questions on where to get this info just comment here and I will give you some different links that are on here so AWARENESS begins with is all !!!
So you are probably thinking why a post like this well Jesse came home let me remind you early this morning and says so we had a stand up meeting today and it was really good. So I said well what was it about and he says suicide my heart literal hurts every time I hear the word. So I said and he says it was really good and they had some interesting facts. So he brings home this booklet.
so this book is Question, persuade and refer. Ask a question safe a life. so its by Paul Quinnett PH.d. so QPR means Q= for question that and how to question the person about suicidal thoughts. in some one you recognise may be having these thoughts and asking the suicide question DOES NOT increase the risk. We should be upfront with these family and friends P= persuade and how we should persuade some one to get help we should listen to them I like what it says cause some of them may get angry with us . and may refuse the help so it says (WHEN CONFRONTING A FRIEND OR LOVED ONE WITH QPR REMEMBER THAT IT IS BETTER TO HAVE AN ANGRY FRIEND OR LOVED ONE THEN A DEAD ONE ) I feel sometimes these friends are just crying and for us to listen to them and get them the help. next one is R= Referral . They said that most cases are men that have then success of commiting suicide all though there is women also this blew me away the ages that they may think of suicide is 10 years old (a little scary I think )It says also we should treat QPR just has we do CPR meaning we can only do Cpr tell the health professions arrive same with Qpr that once they get the help you know they will be in better hands. Also we should be respectful and just let them know we are here for them. There is a video on the Mormon channel on prevention okay that will just have to be a seperate post. So I just want everyone to be aware of this and if you have any comments or questions on where to get this info just comment here and I will give you some different links that are on here so AWARENESS begins with is all !!!
Day 12 and 13
Well day 12 yesterday I am thankful for learning new things threw are foster journey we are able to have monthly clusters and are training was on Trauma children and it just amazes me what can trigger these little kids. I take a lot from these classes not only to help me and Jesse with fostering and helping these kids the best we can but it also helps me to become a better mom to our own children. I am not saying that we all fail has parents and every child is by far different and learning's and has different things that all trigger the. I think in some way we have all experienced different things in life that do trigger us at times. That is why we have each other to lean on and help each other threw these things. I love learning different thing's or so called about different disabilities last month are training was on Fetal Alchol and I can not believe some of these things that parents but there kids in such Jeopardise. one I love to learn about kids and different things out there I am a kid person. I worked at 2 day cares in my life and I love the bond I have with these kids. I still see some of the little kids around that I have worked with. and I love when they really know who I am. I have done in home daycare years ago and had 2 little kids that I just feel in love with and was heart broken when they moved away. I loved working at the school in the special ed these kids are all so fun and lovable. I loved watching them learn and grow and develop so much more. So I am also thankful again for my own kids they each have there own ways of learning and Carley for one can read like there is no tomorrow and loves it and reads above her grade level but then she struggles a little in math she has got such an awesome teacher this year that has made and helped her progress so much in math that I think she will do okay going on to middle school she is one smart cookie. Then there is Camron our adhd/add child and he does his best he is getting so much better he is loving to read he loves dinosaur books and he seems like math sometimes words and numbers get messed up but he is reading at a second grade level the beginning of second grade he is doing great. I was told yesterday that he may be one of these kids who may work himself off his Iep which scares me a little cause I think this extra crutch lets him get the help he needs. Well any ways on to little Emika so she definitely is our little mystery child and is struggling in school they are doing some further testing on her and hopefully we can figure it out. They are thinking maybe Add/ or some short term memory loss. We are not sure what is going on there so hopefully we will know soon. So needless to say I am thankful for learning they say if you don't learn new things your brain does not develop like it should so. get learning different topics =)
okay on to Day 13 well I would have to say I am so thankful for my friends I have some we talk on a daily basics others we talk on a month basic I still have friends from high school that I still keep in touch with and I love each of them so very much. Living here in Axtell I have developed a lot of friends and am so thankful for them in my life and all that they do for me and our family. I love being here and having these friendships. I love that I know who to call when I need a vent or a shoulder or just need to talk I am thankful for them all in my life and that great blessing's that they are.. well I am feeling a little better today i still have some pain but its mild and not shooting threw my whole body . Blood work and ultra sound both came back that there is nothing wrong. So just need to let the Dr know it gets bad again and may have to go in for a ct scan wish me luck. I am just glad it is a little better each day. So today I am catching up on house work. hope you all have a great Thursday. oh those of you wondering about foster we are still just patiently waiting..
okay on to Day 13 well I would have to say I am so thankful for my friends I have some we talk on a daily basics others we talk on a month basic I still have friends from high school that I still keep in touch with and I love each of them so very much. Living here in Axtell I have developed a lot of friends and am so thankful for them in my life and all that they do for me and our family. I love being here and having these friendships. I love that I know who to call when I need a vent or a shoulder or just need to talk I am thankful for them all in my life and that great blessing's that they are.. well I am feeling a little better today i still have some pain but its mild and not shooting threw my whole body . Blood work and ultra sound both came back that there is nothing wrong. So just need to let the Dr know it gets bad again and may have to go in for a ct scan wish me luck. I am just glad it is a little better each day. So today I am catching up on house work. hope you all have a great Thursday. oh those of you wondering about foster we are still just patiently waiting..
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Day 10 and 11
Okay well sorry this has not been an every day thing.. so Say 10 yesterday I am really thankful for my nice warm bed and being able to sleep in it.. its nice. I love that sometimes when Jesse is not home or on graves that at least once a week one of my kids find there way in there in the middle of the night to snuggle ,, SO I am very thankful for my bed the past few days I have been in alot of pain and they are trying to figure out what is going on they don't know if I have a massive cyst or what the deal is there so hopefully by later today or tomorrow we will know.. For those who know me know I have a very high tolerance for pain and for me to be hurting like I have is very unusual so lets hope they can figure it out. Any way so I am thankful for my bed.. Nov 11 being that today is Veteran's day I am thankful for those men and service woman and there families for fighting so hard for our freedom. So thank you to all of you and what you do for this country we love you all and pray every night for you and your families. This is very close to us in our family having a brother in law that has served. So thank you all for what you do. also that those who have passed thank you families !!! So there you have it day 10 and 11 now why I am feeling a little okay I need to get something done around here.. hope you all have a fabulous day
Sunday, November 9, 2014
November 8th and 9th thankful
Well sorry I missed a day and so Day 8 I am thankful for my camera that captures memories of our family and is at every family event with it without it I would not be able to watch my kids grow or be able to see Jesse and I has kids and see who are kids looked like.. I love taking pictures and am glad I have a great camera to due so now to take pics all though Jesse is the one that works it better which brings me to. We were able to go up the mountain yesterday and take our annul Family Pics for 2014. it was a beautiful ride and fun time with our kids.. so here they are a little sneak peek..
there ya have it .. I think all in all they turned out cute we ended up being done because Emika feel and hurt herself so no surprise So that brings me to day 9 I am so thankful for this community that I live in. I love the people here the friends I have and that we truly are a ward family. I love letting my kids grow up here and how it takes a villi age to raise a child and that is what we do in this small little town of Axtell..
Friday, November 7, 2014
Day 7 November
Well today I am thankful for my house and it being nice and warm. I am so thankful that we were able to build this house I can not believe we have already lived in it for a year and some months. There I days I just sit and think of how blessed I am to have such a beautiful home and how we have already made so many memories in this house and I am so thankful for us being able to build this lovely home. Our kids defiantly love it Carely is ready for her own room so that will be our winter project is getting the basement done it is half way framed and we have some Sheetrock up.. so it will be good. All in all we love it and I love having a fire place in the front room that keeps the hole house warm and it is so nice and toasty especially with these cold days coming up. after all I was trying to get a quote so it won't let me lad it it.. so here it is HOME IS WHERE YOUR STORY BEGINS .. So true this home is so full of joy and us being able to share this home with our children is amazing and to teach them how things work in this Crazy world they always know they have some where were they can feel safe. Again that is also what we want for these foster kids that come into our home is just a place they can feel safe where either it be for a short or a long time. We will be there for them and this will also be there home that they can make some great memories in also and maybe some bad. So today I am thankful for my Nice Warm home and the people I share it with and the memories we have made and will make..
Thursday, November 6, 2014
November Day 1-6
So here we go day 1 I am so thankful for my Husband he is a great guy and we have had are ups and Downs the psst 3 years. We seem to just deal with it and each other and I am thankful that he came into my life when he did. Jesse Thank you for all you do. loving Me supporting me and our 3 kids and thanks for taking upon the fostering journey with and praying for these kids thanks for being happy and all that you do I love you so much. Me &you babe always ..
Lol sorry this is the only pic I could find cause every one knows he loves his picture taken.. Lol Love you babe
see they are a little crazy sorry your getting old pics .. any way day 3 I am thankful for my dad. he is amazing and I love him so much growing up he taught us how to have fun and just be us. My dad has been there threw thick and thin and I know he loves me and cares about me still. I am so thankful that he lives pretty close by and supports me and Jesse in all of our descions and how he always trys and comes to softball games wresting dance what ever our kids have going he tries and comes. I am so thankful for the things he taught me growing up and all the great things he teaches us. Thanks dad for all you do love you so much.. I know I don't have a good pic of him so we will skip that pic for now.
Okay so on to day 2. My cute little kids I love all 3 of them so much and am so proud of them in all they do. Carely is my best helper and I appreciate all she does. She is perfect in every way. We tend to butt heads at times but we get threw it I love how every once in awhile she will just sit by me and we can talk. She is a very special girl. Then there is Camron he defiantly keeps us all in check and he knows everything. you can tell when he has a bad day and its not pretty at this house when he does. He can be so crazy and so love able. I love you little man . Then what can I say sass pants Miss Emika how definitely loves to entertain us we love you so much. She loves to dance and sing and defiantly is the highlight of all of her performances. I love you kiddos so much and am so very thankful for you 3 in my life ..

Day 4 .. I am so thankful for Jesse's family that lives so close and that we get together often. I am so glad that we all get a long and it makes it very peaceful. I have my mother in law who really I get mistaken alot I am her daughter and Jesse is not her son. LOl she has been there so much for me since we started dating and I love and appreciate her so much. She has been such a great impact in my life .. Then there is Jesse's Grandma I just love her and the great woman she is and how she just loves us and you can so tell . Even with her little fisty ness she is a great grandma to us and we love her dearly. I am so thankful for Amy. Blake and Eric and Jessica and their cute families its so nice to be so close and have cousins grow up together. I love spending time with them and what great examples they are in my life and make me a better person and sister and Aunt thank you all so much for what you do and loving me know matter what.
Day 5 I am thankful for my Heavenly Father who loves me and knows my mistakes my wants and my feelings. He knows what is best for us and I am so thankful to know I can communicate with him any time I need to and when things get tough or I just need advice I know he is there and I can talk to him. and let him know how I feel. He gives me peace . So thankful for him in my life and knowing that there is a true God.
Day 6 that is Today .. I am so thankful for my Savior Jesus Christ who dyed on the cross for me and has felt my pain and new that we would not ever be perfect and we would make mistakes and he is our brother and took it upon himself to dye on the cross for us and our sins and gave us the wonderful gift of repentance and the atonement.
Stay tuned for day 7 hope you all have a great night ..
October things
Well first off the kids and I went to Salt lake to celebrate my grandpa Rudd's 80th Birthday it was great to see all my aunt and uncles all but two of my aunts were not there. This is my mom's dad. She comes from a family of 9 siblings . one passed away the oldest boy Jeff that is why Carmon's middle name is Jeffery. So all but two of my aunts were there and i got to spend sometime with a few of my cousins I have not seen In a while and just it was nice to sit and chat with them and catch up. I really debated on going cause one family drama and such and 2. Jesse was not going to go which I support him in all that and 3. Cam had a championship game that moring at 10 so and I hate going to Salt lake by myself and driving there is CRAZY and I grew up there and learned to drive there but it is so busy Now. Well any way Friday Cam also said his belly hurt so I was like well just go to bed and hopefully you feel better in the morning well long behold it was a long night he woke up a few times throwing up and so then I was like wow do I really go or stay. So I decided he was going to miss his football game and we headed off to Salt lake he did pretty good threw the day you could just tell he didn't feel to hot. But all in all we all had a great time and was able to celebrate grandpas bday. He is a funny guy and all though we don't see him much you can tell he just loves having all these great grand kids around.
Then of course there was Halloween and that was fun I was so glad Jesse was off this year. I am not a Halloween fan at all I don't know if its cause when I was little I was a California Raisin one year and fell or what (LOL ) its just not my fav but I do have kids and try to make the best of it.. so Anyways Carely was Elsa of Frozen I made her tutu !!! Camron was the Scream guy off Scream (Jesses fav scary movie ) I am not a fan. And Emika was a Cheerleader you could say a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader (we used Carley's clogging outfit from 2years ago it worked perfect) FYI we are not Dallas Cowboys fans in this house at all so its kind of funny.. so anyways here are some pics.
Again there is Cal, Glen and Grandpa for those of you how don't know Glen Rudd use to be over the welfare service for the LDS church
Eric and Jessica.. Jessica was a witch. which was kind of funny cause car had a dream about her being one .. LOL
6 of the 9 grand kids we missed Amy and Blake but met up with them at trunk and treat in Aurora . all in all it was a great day!! There you have October. Now has November approaches I am going to due another post on that and up to the day what I am Thankful for . Enjoy these joys holidays have a great night ..
Then of course there was Halloween and that was fun I was so glad Jesse was off this year. I am not a Halloween fan at all I don't know if its cause when I was little I was a California Raisin one year and fell or what (LOL ) its just not my fav but I do have kids and try to make the best of it.. so Anyways Carely was Elsa of Frozen I made her tutu !!! Camron was the Scream guy off Scream (Jesses fav scary movie ) I am not a fan. And Emika was a Cheerleader you could say a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader (we used Carley's clogging outfit from 2years ago it worked perfect) FYI we are not Dallas Cowboys fans in this house at all so its kind of funny.. so anyways here are some pics.
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Fostering Rollor coaster for sure
So we get a call today and I am just lost for words but have so much going threw my head.. it is unreal. So we get a call today and it is to take in a 12 yr old boy a 10 yr old boy and a 10 month old little girl.. yeah a sibling group and I hate the idea of being split up trust me. So my case worker is telling me all this and I just have a feeling its not the right placement for us. One. I am not ready to take in older. I hope that does not sound selfish. I am just not ready for that and there is concerns I have for my own children. But I can not help but feel at a loss for these kids and some kind of attachment, my heart just breaks I cant pin point what is bothering me so much. Its one probably a Holiday and these kids need to be some where. I have prayed and prayed for a placement just don't have a good feeling I know one is the age that scares me and being a male with a 10 year old girl in my house and not knowing what these kids have been threw another concern is I feel I know this 12 and 10 year old have been neglected and left to care for each other and there sister and I feel It may be that I might just butt heads with the 12 year old were he technically has had to be the adult in the situation which again makes me sad for saying No cause maybe I can help him. Its sad that he has had to grow up cause of his parent or parents mistakes it is devastating. My heart is just aching for saying NO but when you have a bad feeling about it what do you do. and its so hard to make a descion so quickly and I knew Jesse's concerns and I know mine so I am glad we are on the same page. Just makes me sad when I do have to say no cause I know these kids need a safe haven. I know in my heart that one day we Will get the placement we have been waiting for and this just was not the right one.. I hope this is all making sense if any comments or reassurance please comment.. I need something ..
Monday, October 20, 2014
what has been going on
well we had the 5th grade play and it was great . Football was almost done then they won there last game so we are in playoffs and play Wen again then go from there,, hip hip Hooray.. so a little update on our little foster care.. We got a call at the beginning of this Month to take in a 3 year old little girl. They were petitioning to have her taken out of the home the dad had just got arrested for drugs and I am assuming the mom also.. So we cleaned the girls room was ready expet for the toddler bed up( this little one was sleeping on a queen sized mattress with her 5 yr old sister with no sheets or covers ) so we thought the toddler bed would be more suiting for her. so any way we get a call later that after noon and they have a continued court date so we wait tell the 14th of October to here anything again. So my heart is broke you feel when you get that call you get the name the birth date and very little info but has a mom and wondering what this child is really going threw you pray for this child and cant help but wonder if they are safe. So the 14th comes and they get out of court you get that phone call or in this case I called her case worker and then again they say they are working with the family in the home and again you have the heart ace and pray for this child and hope she is safe. And hope that things work out for the family.. Then this is what you call the welcoming of FOSTER CARE ROLLER COASTER. SO here we are again waiting!! And of course praying and lots of it !!! so here are pics of the 5th grade play
shes so big I love this girl good job sis
shes so big I love this girl good job sis
Eigth is great !!
I can not believe my little man turned 8 on the 12th of this month and it was a great day his bday fell on a Sunday so therefore we waited tell the 18th for him to get baptizes and for being the opening day of the deer hunt it turned out to be a great day.. so we celebrated Sunday with just Jesse, I and the kiddos.. Then Sat had a big thing .. Well he will have a baptism he will for sure remember . First off we got there on time.. After Eric and Jessica even (WOW sorry had to throw that in there. love ya guys) so any way and the member of the bishop brick got there shortly after we did with no key and so we had to hunt for a key.. Wow thank goodness for Uncle Steve and connections and being a Bishop in Salina. so we finally get in to find that the font is not full so they start that.. it takes awhile to fill up. So we are just has calm has can be they get dressed I take pics visit with some family and then we start the program hoping that the font will be full and warm. So we get done with the first part and its time to baptize him Jesse gets in the water and you can tell it is freezing and Camron has no care in the world and after wards Tell's me it was warm so that is what matters. Jesse did a great job so proud of him. Thanks every one who came and made is day so special. I love that we can teach our kids the gospel and they can make these great descions so proud of my family!!! so here are some pics
of course he wanted more dinos
daddy and camron
I love these kids
I love this man
lol sorry this picture is funny and cam haaa
I have no idea
the little man
uncle Eric and Cam
this is my fav
mommy and camron I love these kids so much and the Scriptures that we get to return cause there is some missing pages thank goodness for Primary teachers me I just think it was fait and the spirit direction ,.. so proud of you Camron can not believe you are 8 and growing into such a handsome young man we love you so much and am so proud of you.. Love mommy and daddy
of course he wanted more dinos
daddy and camron
I love these kids
I love this man
lol sorry this picture is funny and cam haaa
I have no idea
the little man
uncle Eric and Cam
this is my fav
mommy and camron I love these kids so much and the Scriptures that we get to return cause there is some missing pages thank goodness for Primary teachers me I just think it was fait and the spirit direction ,.. so proud of you Camron can not believe you are 8 and growing into such a handsome young man we love you so much and am so proud of you.. Love mommy and daddy
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