Jesse is doing great still loves his job and we are glad for weekends when he is home especially me . He can help with kids and it just feels better when he is home . We love him so much and am so thankful for him in are lives love you baby me and you always.
Me well I have been just being the mom I know I love this title it seems like my kids grow up so fast and I love them so very much and am thankful for them in my life. I have been talking to and old friend again and I have just really missed her in my life. We were able to talk the other night face to face all though it was weired. It was nice just to talk for a min that way we have been talking like 3 to 5 times a week well texting cause that is just the world we live in.But I have missed her and it is nice just to talk to some one . Well I have been crocheting again for a while and I had this bright idea thanks to pint rest lets make a hello kitty hat. yeah well I started one and two bad it looked like a Jamaica hat. So I found a pattern on my cousin Bobbies website crochetgru and it is already looking better so thank you Bobbie. I will post a picture when I am done with it.. This is what I have been doing most the day I am a really slow crochet. But hope to get the hang of this pattern soon .
Carley has been very sassy lately I am beginning to think that it is the age. She still loves school and of course the boys. I am so not ready for the whole thing I can not believe she will be 10 next month. We sure do love her though and all that she does. She really is a great kid. Love you sister
Camron what can we say are full of energy I was not to happy with him this morning for waking up at 7 is all I want him to do is sleep a while in on the weekend.. He listens not so well he still loves school and defiantly hates home work but we seem to get it all done. He is are defiantly WILD CHILD . we love you buddy and the laughter you bring.
Emika she has been a sassy little thing lately but she can still be very sweet and then crazy the next . I have loved staying home with her but I think next year we will be glad when she goes to K that is me and her. LOl I will miss her for sure but I am exited for this new adventure with her. She loves being home but she misses the kids when they are gone and I love her sassy or not.. well there is a little update.
Jesse and I are doing great he truly is my best friend and I love and appreciate all he does for me and are kids. I am exited to see what the new year brings and falling more and more in love with him each day he truly is my light in my life and a great husband and a daddy to are kids. Love you baby me and you oh and babe I love you most even when I am onry.. Love you
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