Well has foster parents and kids we call usually the first month the honey moon stage this is where kids are very shy and basically are on there best behavior well we have have Eve since Nov 17th a Monday and she will tell you that. And now we are in to Feb so we have had her about 4months don't get me wrong I love this little girl to death and want what is best for her. Our honeymoon stage is now over she has been a little stinker lately and I am not going to go into detail about what its nothing to big just things that are not exeptle in our home so needless to say timeout is the best option for our kids to sit and think a minute about what they did and if we honestly do that. So all in all timeout has been her best friend lately. Its because she is comfortable here and feels safe and is just trying to push to the limit now. Needless to say she is finally being able to be a KID!! So and yes she does cry and is not happy when this mama has to discipline her where there was obviously no discipline before. That is the thing has foster parents Little by little we find out about these kids why they are in our care and don't get me wrong Eve is a great kid and loves being here and we love here here and I know she will except are rules and still do great here ..
Yesterday was a GREAT day all my friends defiantly made it a special day I love where I live and this community we live In I went to lunch with a couple of girls and had fun !! Got my dad good he almost forgot. I love him though it was a wonderful day thanks for all the BIRTHDAY WISHES. I defiantly am loved one of my best of friends and my totally awesome neighbour got me a gift card and I was finally able to get a book I wanted forever thanks !!! Well I guess I better get something done before hubby gets home and I have my 1st subbing job today at the high school from 12-3 so we will see how all that goes wish me luck !!!
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