I was so mad at myself for nor bringing my camera to Carley's first game in Moroni but then again we played in the freezing cold.. so this time I was prepared with my blanket and Jacket ... Well then I missed most of her 2nd game against Moroni cause Cam had t-ball .. so was able to make it to watch her bat and play a little.. Camron's first T-ball game went well it is so funny to watch him play.. He will miss a couple of his games because we play in manti tomorrow at the same time and then in mount pleasant in June so yeah he will miss maybe 3 games is all.. We just figured Carley and stuff needs to be with her team and where Jesse works he is lucky to make it to some of there games.. I am so exited he is off all next week to spend sometime with us.. We will also be celebrating are 15th weeding anniversary on the 20th I am so happy I have him in my life. And so thankful for him and all he does he is truly and amazing husband and I am so happy we have each other.. even when he can be turd.. He truly is my best friend and eternal companion .. We need to figure out if we can go on a date that day sometime. He is going to be super busy when he is off and we are putting in are sprinklers this next week and we have another home study so I am way exited and hope it all works out this time.. it will be go

Camron up to bat
out in outfield they are so fun to watch
running around all crazy
up to bat again
watching cam's game it's always fun entertaining this one
Mom made it to the last inning she is so super cute
up to bat just to strike out .. good job sis
our yard where are trailer was there is going to be lawn here and then a fire pit so exited
he was my super cleaner
where my garden is I need to get going on this one
about where the fire pit will be
my crazy girl she rides to the bus stop with Carley
so happy she is crazy
teaching Emika how to catch
so re amber I told ya we redid the porch this is the turn out it looks so good and Jesse and Jason did such a good Job
and I love this it says the sterling family thanks Jason

to start getting these kids in to are home and having a fun filled summer.. so here are some pics of softball and T-ball but first I have to tell ya Camron was guessing what color his shirt was going to be and he is like I hope it is ORANGE cause that is Camron;s favorite color and long behold his color is orange and he was so exited it was way cute... I love watching these kids play.. it is so fun I even took some pictures of them playing in the yard today playing and some of are yard to show you how things are going to work out I am super exited about getting this yard all together and finally having grass and stuff.. It will be awesome .. don't know why it put my pics in the middle but oh well you get then point and how super busy we will be and so glad school will be out NEXT week and my baby will start kindergarten and I am so exited it will be great.. I am sure I will update more has the week goes on and this weekend with more leveling and building a shed and stuff so yes.. Have a great night and day...
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