Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Yes I am alive

Well we are alive and doing well. I just haven't had time to blog or busy doing other things, When Eve left we all struggled and yesterday would of made a year she had come into our home, She left on Sept 25th and now its Nov and I'm finally blogging about it,, so sorry. It was ROUGH one of the toughest things Ive ever had to do. Our caseworker came over at 3 and hung out I don't even think she left tell about 430 and it was when she thought I was ready. Mrs. Amazing and her cute little family came over has well for one more talent show (what we live for with Mrs.Amazing kids.) It was good and fun to watch the kids in this element has they are comfortable with each other. Our case worker watched it has well. I teased our case worker for weeks that I was going to need Pepsi and chocolate she brought me a 2 liter of Pepsi and a big bag of chocolate bless her heart, has we were saying goodbye Eve said bye to Jesse first and very tender moment he said we love you and if you ever need anything you can call us. and she lost control has I and Mrs. Amazing did and then cam just gave her a hug and said bye. I and Carley and Mrs. Amazing and Emika walked her out to the car and I told her I loved her and would miss her and to always know she has a place here and in my heart. She was a Mess I was a mess , Mrs . amazing was a mess but I was so thankful for her being here . Our case worker left here crying and that is a true moment.. I have talked to Eves mom and she is doing well I got a pic of her on Halloween and she looks amazing and is doing great she is in Dance and I did what I was suppose to has a foster mom to Eve. We miss her and are hoping we can go visit her soon and take her some stuff she left here.. SO we hope we can do that SOON..

We have not got another placement call but our keeping our fingers crossed. We have got shelter placement calls but have not taken them the first one was for a boy camrons age but also lives in the valley we live in so we decided NO we know the kid not a good Idea. and another one was for a 13year old boy and a 2 and 3 year old that we had no info on. I didn't take them cause I cant have a 13 year old boy with my daughters. So we are just patiently waiting .. I hope soon .. So only  time will tell .. so there is a little update and then later I will post family pics and that adventure later today. So far know one has called me to Sub today so I am off to clean my closet and bathroom .. hope you all have a great day :)

1 comment:

  1. Bless your heart as you continue to grieve (and wait for the next call).
    That's pretty awesome that your caseworker brought you Pepsi and chocolate!
