Monday, July 18, 2011

family vacation and the 4th of july

Okay well we decided to go camping again for we had the Robert's reunioun and it was great any way on the way up to the cabin Jesse and me are talking and I said to him Jesse I think we need to invest in a toy hauler cause we have 2 four wheelrs and we can't take them with us I am like maybe next year we can get one we get home form the renoiun and I had to work Monday and Tuesday so tuesday I get home and jesse says well what do u think about this trailer and I am like it is nice he's all well should we go get it and I am like WHAT THE HECK are we thinking so we go get it then went up to Fish lake wen it was great fun went on an awesome 4 wheeler r ide..I love camping season...Then we came home for 3rd had a family get toghter which was a husband I have got to love him he loves lighting fireworks and he is kinda scary..BUt goota love him ...The parade was one of the coolest prades in a long time carley was in it so it was fun..this is my favorite time of year..

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