Sunday, October 11, 2009

what has been going on in my world!!!

so its been a while lots of things been going and not alot of time to sit at the computer, so here we will give ya all a run down,first jesse and i are great jesse is stil loving his new job at the mine and i love that he comes home so much happier, he is truly amazing. I am going back to work next week after having 3 months of from having the baby i will be gald to go back even for just a couple hrs it will be nice, i am sad though 2 cause i have had all this time off and havent scraped book or anything for me but how well one day they wil get done.

Carley started kindergarten and goes all day it is nice in a way but sad, I cant belive how big she has got and how much she is learning we dont get what she learns until she is home playing school with camron she reminds me so much of me I dont like it cause the attitude, so mom i am sorry for everything i ever did, but she is my mini me. She can always make us smile when we are having a bad day, she is too funny, she loves pink she even told Jess yeasterday she loves pink so much she is going to have pink hair one day. So and she has bben a little sick latley, they think she has cyleic so we will see how she does on some medicine, but i want her to know that i love her so much and apperciate everything she does she is my helper and very good at it. I LOVE YOU CARLEY DEE AND AM SO PROUD OF YOU.
Then there is my little man Camron Jefffery and he is saying so much now, why is it we want our kids to talk then we cant get them to be quiet. I cant belive he is going to be 3 tommrow and everything the poor boy has been threw its amazing, for those that dont know Cam was very sick has a baby he got rsv when he was 3 months and it was the scariest thing i have ever bben threw, I thought I was going ot lose this presious baby boy, he was lifeflighted from gunnison hospital to primary childerns hospital and we were there for a few days, he had ear infection after ear infection and had tubes but in before he was 1. This little boy is a fighter and so strong willed, when he gets sick now it doesnt bother him at all in fact you hardley know he is sick. He loves carley so much and loves playong with her wheen she is home form school, he puts a smile on my face everyday just watching him play is so fun to watch and i love him so much.Camron i cant belive you are 3 man how time flys and you are truly and amazing little guy love ya buddy!!!

Then there is the baby I cant belive she is already 2 months, how and how I just love knowing that this presious little girl is a gift from my heavley father and we love her so much!! She is the princess, I love that she is smiling and coing now and am so gald she is healthy and i know that she will have life trials but for now i am so thankful that i can prevent those. I love cuddling with her and jsut holding her makes me smile. I love that she is named after my great grandma, and I love it when we call her Stella she just smiles, my great grandma was an amazing person inside and out and I know she took care of the baby in heaven and for that i am truly blessed, I love you baby girl and am so gald that our family is finly complete for now<


  1. What cute kiddos!! You say your family is complete for now????? Does that mean there may be more, or just animals?

  2. Yo Yo Tara - Curtis here Just dropping a quick note to say Hi and WOW what an awesome family you have - we have not taked in years so i will get back again soon and up-date you on all that is happening - email is
    write when you can and we will catch up -

    peace out
