Tuesday, June 16, 2009

so yeasterday i so wish i would of took my camera outside. my kids love to play out side and carley walked all the way around the field. well camron decided to take a short cut threw the pasture. well it wasn't a short cut cause it is a muddy mess and he literly got stuck!!! so he just sat there and i go out there and he says mamma i am stuck it took me a few min to pull him out so i am thinking about going to throw him out there just to get a pic, he is such a boy goota love them.


  1. Tara, What a beautiful little family you have. Your newest addition is an absolute beauty. I especially like her name. Her middle name is exceptional!!!!!! Hope you are doing well. Now I can keep up with your life via your blog. Love ya.............Kris

  2. Tara--I just foun d your blog!!! I am so glad now I am caught up on your life and so HAPPY for you! You DO have abeaitiful family and sounds like you enjoy being a FAMU girl!!!!!
    I will try to keep in touch!!!!
    Luv ya much.

    Aunt Bev
